The Center for Information Technology (CIT), a part of National Institutes of Health (NIH), holds an internal Awards Ceremony each year. In 2019, I designed the ceremony program and event signage. When I was assigned to lead design for this project, I felt that it was important to modernize the past programs that did not feel fun or exciting. I used abstract patterns and geometric lines to accent the information, breaking up the repetitive nature of the program. The final product was a huge hit at the ceremony and was even labeled “unparalleled to ceremonies in the past.”
“From the ideation phase to the development phase, Leah truly impressed our wide range of clients, including the Communications Director, Lead Communications Specialist, Acting Executive Officer, amongst others. She developed multiple options and explained the design process in a manner that helped the clients understand the thought and reasoning behind each product. There was an infinite amount of changes to the program up until the last minute before sending it to print, yet Leah was a team player with the entire process. She listened to their feedback and delivered incredible products that made the branding of the ceremony unparalleled to ceremonies in the past.”
— Sisley Chung, Associate Marketing Strategy & Analysis